There are a menu of services available to ensure your individualized plan is developed and executed appropriately. It is not uncommon that most people who are seeking help are frustrated, overwhelmed and exhausted. People who find themselves with multiple needs require coordinated care. This simply requires communication and coordination of services across physical health providers and behavioral health providers (mental health and substance abuse providers). Service definitions include the below:

  1. Access – service acquisition, navigating behavioral health and physical health service delivery systems to assist with receiving the right service at the right time with the right intensity

  2. Care Coordination – requires coordination across providers

  3. Case Management – assessment, planning, facilitation, evaluation, advocacy of service array options

  4. Needs identification – identify and prioritize underlying needs

  5. Recovery support – identify and build natural networks of support

  6. Continuity of care – ongoing care management, quality of care over time

  7. Follow up services - additional add on service after the plan is developed. This service is designed for those who want additional support after the plan is developed